Communication is the last piece in the expression of strategic thinking.
It's a crucial piece because, the intelligence of the collective hinges on it.
Many leaders believe, that they are in a strategic conversation
when they speak and others listen.
Others agree to what they are saying
The meeting ends with actions to everyone.
This can't be further from the truth.
In their book, Moments of Impact, How to design strategic conversations that accelerate change, Chris Ertel & Lisa Kay Solomon talk about the below as ingredients of a well designed strategic conversation
The purpose of the conversation is evident to all stakeholders as that offers the guiding light to the fabric of the conversation.
A strategic conversation is not a small talk, its not a presentation, its a conscious endeavour to move in a particular direction, most often critical to the existence of the organisation.
A strategic conversation engages as many diverse thought as possible. This gives an ability to combine and enhance to purpose.
There is no one person perspective that others need to vote on.
The boundaries of the conversation have a futuristic connotation and key choices that move the collective to the shared future.
A frame provides a focal point and a boundary.
Sometimes, frames evolve over time when the problem worth solving shifts.
Hence the strategic conversation may emerge over a series of conversations
May your strategic conversations take cognition of the above and take you to future possibilities!