In my career spanning 2 decades, I have just focussed on what are the elements that I like to have in my next role - like leading teams, innovative work, intellectual people to work with etc. to make a career choice. Now, at the midpoint of my career, when people ask me where I would like to reach, I don't have a clear answer for them. So far my focus was on the journey, should I now pay attention to the destination?
~ Director, Financial Services
Journeys and destinations can be both enticing based on our preferences.
Some of us are very particular about the destination we would like to reach and do not bother on how we reach there. Some of us are very particular about the journey and don't think too much about where we reach in the end.
Both are just preferences and are not problems.
"What" is important for people with destination focus.
"How" is important for people with journey focus.
Whatever your preference & value, it pays to choose one or both with awareness of the consequences.
If you like to choose both, here are ways to help you shift.
1. Destination to journey shift

If you are a person whose preference is 'destination', here are the questions to ask yourself which will also prioritise your journey:
What would give you satisfaction in your career?
What allows you to be an authentic person?
What helps you live your values?
What is an ideal day at work?
What gives you balance?
If you are retiring today, would you be doing what you are doing now?
What memories do you like to takeaway at the end of your career?
How would you be remembered by those you worked with?
2. Journey to Destination shift

If you are a person whose preference is 'journey', here are the questions to ask yourself which will also prioritise your destination.
What impact do you like to leave in your career?
What would be a good legacy to leave behind?
At 60, if you had already had a successful career, describe what it looks like?
What would make your proud ?
What meaningful contribution would you have liked to be part of?
If stars had names of their discoverers, where would you like your name to be?
Ask yourself these questions to shift between the preferences that serve you the most at any given point in time.
What helps you shift between destination and journey in your career?