Doing the work that creates impact is a wish list for many.
What converts the wish list into reality? Conscious thought, action & reflection.
Many coaching conversations circle around the "constraints" at work, that makes one feel less impactful.
A slight shift in perception can alter states for many.
Actions arising from such a state and reflection on the actions can help you go a long way in carving the career that you crave for.
What shifts in perception help to move lines for career impact?

Fathoming the size
All impact need not look like the 'dent / ding' in the Universe.
It can also look like
a drop in the river that causes the ripple effect.
the snow-ball effect that causes multiple similar actions.
Nuclear fusion when two light atoms combine.
Nuclear Fission when an atom splits.
It can make a difference to one star fish.
Most often the impact we create comes in all different sizes and using multiple different models. We just need the ability to envision it and work towards it.

2. Work can be the end or means of impact.
Your work can contribute to impactful goals directly. This is the most linear obvious way of creating impact. However there are known constraints to this approach that could be beyond our control.
The indirect way of being impactful is to use work as a tool to get you something else through which you can create impact - for eg, work can give you a respectful position from where you can stand up for a cause. This can inspire many.

3. Moving the lines
One of my clients said, "I want to move the lines to create impact". Sometimes, you may need to think everywhere else except the box to find ways to create impact.
You can guide your support staff to enrich their career and become what they want.
You can volunteer to causes that speak to you. You can be part of your company CSR.
Don't stay within the lines of your job description. Move the lines to be a person of impact.
What thought and action will lead you to be a person of impact?