Executive time and mind space is a scarce non-renewable resource.
According to Mckinsey, 37% of it is spent on decision making and more than 18% is spent ineffectively.
One of the reasons for this ineffectiveness is because of spending crucial Executive time on the wrong problems/ items that should not necessarily be solved for, on priority and/or importance.
Executives have to be systems thinkers to identify the right problem to make a decision for.
Linear thinking creates an illusion of the problem that executives need to be weary of.
System thinking experts, Jim Ollhoff & Michael Walcheski talk about the indicators that give a hint about the wrong problems that executives might get pre-occupied with.

So before making a decision, ascertain the following
It's the right context/problem that you are spending your time and energy on.
Only you have the ability, power and authority to take the call and not someone else.
There is really a decision worth making.
Now is the time.