The dawn of New Year is usually charming. It makes us aware that there is a new beginning when the clock strikes 12. We make resolutions with the intention to make the year count.
However, most of them fizzle out in a few weeks due to lack of "motivation" to stick to them.
When we dig deeper into why this happens - it appears as if these are goal posts outside us.
We make take some limelight on may be 1 day when we achieve them. However the 364 days it takes to get there appear as drudgery. So we give up. Focus on the "goal post" seems to be not enough to get there.
Albert Einstein famously said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it”.
We cannot make the resolution stick with the same mind that signified its lack.
And the mind cannot change with the same "identity" that drives it.
So "Who" is making the resolution is one of the key drivers for change.
In my coaching conversations, when the client says 'I want X', I ask them
What will X get you?
And if it gets you what you are describing, how will you think/feel differently?
Describe 'you' who has this.
Once the client experiences how they will "be", it is strong enough to hold the work needed to get there.
Then the resolution becomes just one of the means to be the person they want to be - Vital, active, sharp, intelligent, empowered, happy, present etc.
Craft your identity this New Year. Rest of it is incidental.
May this New Year bring the person who you want to be, closer to you.