I want a promotion that I can't get yet!
Every professional aspires for their career growth. The corporate ladder that appears seemingly linear becomes a game of snakes & ladder as one moves into higher leadership roles. Rolling down a snake is not pleasant. There are many emotions associated with the process. Delay in promotion gives rise to "these grapes are sour" mentality. Prolonged "wait time" leads to severe disappointment and negativity sometimes.
Considering all this, what are 5 proven strategies that can help you position yourself well without going into the negativity spiral?

1. Take a Systemic View/Stance
You are one player in the whole game, you are not the whole game. So please remember to know where your circle of influence stops. Understand the rules of the game. Play sportively instead of getting disillusioned in-between the game and calling it quits.
When you take a systemic view, you can see the big picture, the players, the connections between individuals and the play book, all at the same time. This enables you to strategize better. This also gives you an observer perspective from where you can notice your emotions instead of being entangled in it.

2. Accept that bias, assumptions and politics exist
Wherever people exist, there will be some level of bias, assumptions, perceptions and politics.
This may not be right at all but they do exist, as all of us come from different backgrounds, cultures and values.
Resisting any of the above will lead you to spending your precious energy on things irrelevant to you.
You will fight the system rather than fighting for your growth.
Accept all of the above exist and learn to play with it. You don't have to agree with it or follow it to accept something.
Acceptance gives control over your energy so that you have enough to fight your case.
3. Start early

The right time to prepare and start your conversation on promotion is when you don't need it desperately.
If you have just got promoted, enjoy and celebrate for 6 months to 1 year. Learn all you can in your new role and then start thinking about what you want to do next but without desparation.
Reflect on your strengths, passion and what problem is worth solving - for you. Take the time to reflect deeply and refine what you want.
If you believe hierarchy of roles will define what you want to do next. Think again. There are so many unhappy souls who have got promoted and feel miserable.
Brand building is needed for senior roles. So you cannot start building one when you are due. Brand building also needs sincere reflections on 'what you like to be known for'. These activities are best done when you have time.
4. Collaborate with your boss

Your immediate manager has the most important influence on your promotion, whether you like it or not.
The ideal scenario is when you can collaborate with them, judge the gaps, make improvements and set yourself ready when the opportunity arises. Collaboration means working together inspite of the differences.
'No differences with the boss' happens only in illusionary world.
If you have irreconcilable differences, still work with them to move to other teams/roles or when things go sour, change your context completely. You are not a function of your boss's perception of you. So dont judge your self worth on it. The only thing not to do is stay and rant :-) and magically expect your boss to change for you.
5. Connect with all influencers

In most organisations, promotions at senior level also involve input from senior leaders outside your team. Please know who the influencers are and connect with them. Have an intelligent conversation not with the outcome of promotion but to showcase your credibility. You can request mentorship for your career path.
While 'networking' is a word that puts off many introverts, making a connection and an intelligent conversation should not be so hard.
The most common fallacies that I notice in my coaching are
my work will speak for itself - It cannot as we operate in hybrid mode and not all know your work
my boss does not get me promoted - It is not their job
There is politics - Yes, there will be and still people are getting promoted.
I will talk to my boss before I am due for promotion - this might cause delay
there is no business need, so I am waiting indefinitely - certain amount of waiting is ok. but don't wait indefinitely.
Own your promotion and work for it.
What strategies work for you?
If you need an intelligent conversation around this subject, pls get in touch here.